There are plenty of myths that surround marble—too many to fit into this article. This is a natural material that has been used for centuries, and some ancient marble fixtures can still be found standing to this day! For quite a long time, it’s been the pinnacle of luxury and class, and as of 2022, it’s more accessible than ever.
Here we’ll debunk three myths that you’ll commonly hear about marble countertops so you can move forward with your marble investment with confidence.
Three Marble Myths, Debunked
1. Marble needs tons of care
Almost every article will tell you that marble calls for an indescribable amount of care, but this is not true. While marble does require a certain degree of TLC, it’s no more or less than the care you’d show to any other type of countertop.
Since marble is a porous, natural stone, it requires sealant upon fabrication and regular resealing as time goes on. This sealant will prevent major staining and liquid damage, and it’s a small price to pay to keep your countertops looking fabulous.
Marble’s daily maintenance is nothing to worry about, either. To clean it, all you need is dish soap, warm water, and a soft cloth.
2. Marble isn’t food-safe
Since marble is a porous stone, many people mistakenly believe that it’s not a safe surface to prepare food on. They think that bacteria will find its way into marble’s pores and create a home there—but they’re wrong.
While marble itself does have pores, these pores are not accessible to bacteria once marble is sealed. If you use the right seal, marble is a perfectly safe surface upon which to prepare food. In fact, you’ll find marble surfaces in many professional kitchens.
Just make sure you keep up on your sealant. That way, you can prepare food on your marble surface without worry.
3. Marble won’t last
While it’s true that marble is relatively soft compared to granite, quartzite, and quartz, that doesn’t mean that it won’t last. Even though it’s a soft stone, it’s still a stone—and not a fragile stone at that! With the right care, marble can last for generations. Just look at the marble fixtures throughout history and how long they have lasted.
Even if your marble sustains etches and scratches, these are just surface blemishes. They will not affect the integrity of the stone itself. All you need to do in this instance is give your stone a good refinish, and it will look as good as new. Better yet, exercise care with your marble slab to avoid scratches and etches in general.
Keeping Up with Marble
There are plenty more myths that surround marble countertops, and we would be glad to discuss them with you. To learn why marble is a great investment, get in touch with us at Washington Marble Works today.